Mid Anglia Light Sport Aviation offer full training on both traditional 3-axis and weightshift microlights. Use the drop down menu or click on the picture to find out more about our aircraft.
Ikarus C-42 (3-axis microlight)
Exciting News!
MALSA is pleased to announce, that our C42C is now fully cleared to fly in the new 600kg category at 560kg MTOW. This exciting news means we can carry out flight training for those students we could not previously accommodate within the previous 472.5kg weight limit. With a new maximum permitted passenger weight of 120KG (18St 10lbs) we have far greater flexibility so please don’t hesitate to contact us to fly in this new category.
Seated side-by-side with a central ‘joystick’ between you and the pilot, equipped with an effective heater and comfortable seats, getting comfortable in the C-42 will feel much like sitting in your car. As such no special clothing is required; the view however is rather better!

P&M GT450 (weightshift microlight)
Seated in Tandem, wearing helmet, flying suit and gloves, the experience of flying in the GT450 is more like riding a motorcycle than driving a car. You’ll feel the wind and temperature change as the aircraft manoeuvres and the view is simply stunning; with no cockpit in the way you have a 360° view horizontally and can look straight down to the ground below!